Tuesday, 13 November 2012

De-spurring our cockerel

Our Roosters Spur

Despurring any Rooster (cockerel) is not recommended unless for medical reasons and in this case it was very much needed.
Our rooster Frank had severely gouged the front of his foot either fighting or doing something else. His spurs were over 3" long and unlike most roosters spurs his pointed too far over to his opposing claw hence as he walked along the spur kept catching on the wound and reopening it. Ouch!
We tried treating it and wrapping it to protect it with no avail, the spur just kept gouging it out and it started to turn septic.
After watching a couple of YouTube vids (good old YouTube) we decided the only way to help him is to remove the spur. Now a roosters spur is just like a goats horn really and has a quick running up the inside of the spur about 50-70% of the spur.
So here's how to remove it:
1) get someone to hold the rooster.
2) support the foot with your hand and with a set of pliers grip the spur close to the base.
3) gentle rotate the pliers forward and back twisting the spur and only squeezing the pliers enough to grip the spur being careful not to crush the spur.
4) as you twist the spur and gently pull it will separate from the foot and come off leaving a fairly raw looking quick (there may be a small about of blood)
5) disinfect the area and the quick will dry up and be fine. We recommend isolating him till he heals up to prevent attacks from other chickens.

A Cockerel with long and deformed spurs

Google image of someone removing a spur
The quick

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Baby Bull turns into Baby Heifer!!!!!!!!!

Well, well, well we were all feeling a little fed up that all four of our dexter mums had boys (well thats what we thought!) and we'd have loved at least one girl.
So today we had the fun job of catching our last little bull to band him. (For the squeamish don't ask about banding!!)
So off we set prepared to do some running, I asked Lucy my wife to help me as I have a broken rib and don't really feel like rodeo wrestling!!
On catching him we aimlessly searched for his little bits (balls that is!).........no balls. When he/she was born we were sure it was a boy, clearly we still have a lot of learning to do!! "Lucy" I said "he's got no balls" what does this mean??? Well one of two things 1) this is a very rare case of a male calf without balls or 2) WE HAVE A GIRL!!!!
Well to say we are over the moon is an understatement.
All we need now is a name for her so its out of:
Maggie or

Please help us choose :)